Vol 28, No 2 (2022)


pages 5-6 views

Clinical studies

Treatment of Extension Knee Contractures with Ilizarov Apparatus Versus Orthopedic Hexapod Ortho-SUV Frame

Rokhoev S.A., Chugaev D.V., Solomin L.N.


Background. In case if it is impossible to eliminate the knee contracture by soft tissue release, external fixation is additionally used. Most often, the Ilizarov apparatus with a uniaxial hinge is used for this purpose. Orthopedic hexapods, unlike the Ilizarov frame, are able to reproduce the kinematics of movements in the knee joint.

Aim of the study — to evaluate the effectiveness of orthopedic hexapod for the treatment of patients with knee extension contractures in comparison with the Ilizarov apparatus.

Methods. We analyzed 64 cases of combined treatment of extension knee contractures, which were divided into two groups. In the 1st group (31 patients) in addition to the soft tissue release, the orthopedic hexapod Ortho-SUV Frame (OSF) was used. In the 2nd group (33 patients) the Ilizarov apparatus with an uniaxial hinge was used. In a comparative analysis between groups, the number of flexion-extension cycles, the time required to complete them, and the time needed for complete knee range of motion (ROM) restoration were evaluated. Functional results were assessed using specialized scales-questionnaires KSS, Lysholm, LEFS in 2 days, 6 and 12 mon. after frame dismantling.

Results. Comparing the total external fixation period, as well as the time needed for ROM restoration, no significant difference between groups was found (р>0.05). When using the orthopedic hexapod, in comparison with the Ilizarov apparatus, fewer flexion-extension cycles were required. When assessing the amplitude of movements in 12 mon. in the first group, excellent results were found in 27 patients and good results in 4. In the second group, in all 33 patients good ROM was evaluated. On average, the ROM in the 1st group was 20º more than in the 2nd group. The knee function in 12 mon. was 16 points higher on the KSS in the 1st group, 5 points higher on the Lysholm scale, and 15 points higher on the LEFS scale than in the 2nd group. When analyzing the frequency of complications, no significant differences were found (р>0.05).

Conclusions. The results obtained indicate the effectiveness of the orthopedic hexapod in the treatment of patients with knee extension contractures.

Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2022;28(2):7-19
pages 7-19 views

Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients with Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura

Tsed A.N., Mushtin N.E., Dulaev A.K.


Background. There are no national clinical guidelines for the perioperative management of patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenia in hip arthroplasty. Most of the publications are presented in the context of general surgery, the distinguishing feature of which is the good achievement of hemostasis. However, it is impossible to achieve such a level of hemostasis with hip arthroplasty.

The aim of the study was to evaluate the mid-term results of total hip arthroplasty in patients with primary idiopathic thrombocytopenia.

Methods. Randomized monocenter clinical trial of 38 patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenia hip arthroplasty was performed. These patients was include in group I. As a control group, the outcomes of surgical treatment of 40 patients without thrombocytopenia over the same observation period were analyzed (group II). The mean follow-up period was 4.3 years. Exclusion criteria for the study were heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, a severe form of idiopathic thrombocytopenia in the acute stage with platelet counts less than 25×109/L.

Results. The average length of hospitalization was longer in patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenia (11.1 days). The results indicate a longer preoperative preparation, including the transfusion of hemocomponents with repeated monitoring of the parameters of the clinical blood test and coagulogram. There was no significant difference in the duration of the surgical intervention, but there were differences in the amount of intraoperative blood loss and the volume of blood transfusion. Among the patients of the group II, only 3 patients required intraoperative transfusion of one dose of erythrocyte suspension, patients of the group I more often underwent blood transfusion. In the group I, complications were noted in 5 patients, in the group II — in one patient (p = 0.067), but the relative risk of complications was 5.2. Functional results 12 months after surgery didn’t differ.

Conclusions. The mid-term results of hip arthroplasty in patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenia are comparable to the results in patients of the general population. A distinctive feature of surgical intervention is an increase in the average volume of intraoperative blood loss and the need for a significantly larger transfusion of hemocomponents not only during the operation, but also in the preoperative period, which increases the duration of hospitalization.

Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2022;28(2):20-26
pages 20-26 views

Salter vs Pemberton: Comparative Radiologic Analysis of Changes in the Acetabulum and Pelvis After Surgical Correction in Children with Hip Dysplasia

Bortulev P.I., Baskaeva T.V., Vissarionov S.V., Barsukov D.B., Pozdnikin I.Y., Kozhevnikov V.V.


Background. Hip dysplasia, characterized by pronounced anatomical changes, continues to be one of the leading positions in the structure of all congenital malformations of the musculoskeletal system. Late diagnosis or ineffective conservative treatment leads to the need for surgical correction of congenital deformities of the proximal femur and acetabulum. The choice of the method of operational reconstruction of the latter remains a subject of discussion over the past decades.

Aim of the study — a comparative X-ray analysis of surgical treatment outcomes of children with hip dysplasia type IHDI III-IV after Salter and Pemberton pelvic osteotomies.

Methods. The study included 80 patients (80 hip joints) aged 2 to 4 years (3.1 ± 0.45) with hip dysplasia of the III-IV degree according to the IHDI. Patients were divided into two groups: group I consisted of 40 patients who underwent modified Salter osteotomy, group II — 40 patients who underwent Pemberton pericapsular acetabuloplasty. Radiometry of the following parameters was performed: acetabular index (AI), Wiberg angle, neck-shaft angle, anteversion angle of the proximal femur, degree of bone coverage, the depth of the acetabulum (AD) and pelvic height (PH)

Results. The values of AI and Wiberg angle in patients in I group indicate that a greater correction was achieved (p<0.05) in contrast to patients who underwent Pemberton pericapsular acetabuloplasty. At the same time, the values of AD and PH in I group patients had pronounced differences (p<0.05) from those in II group patients, whose values were close to similar indicators in the contralateral hip joint.

Conslusions. In the treatment of children with hip dysplasia IHDI III-IV degree performing a modified Salter osteotomy leads to a significant decrease in the values of AI and an increase in the values of the Wiberg angle, which corresponds to hypercorrection of the position of the acetabulum, does not affect the AD and contributes to the elongation of the hemipelvis by an average of 13.8 mm. Pemberton acetabuloplasty allows to achieve values of AI and Wiberg angle close to the age-related indicators of the norm, leads to an increase AD, approaching the contralateral joint in its value and does not significantly affect the PH.

Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2022;28(2):27-37
pages 27-37 views

Theoretical and experimental studies

Microbiological Profile of the Implantation Zone under Different Mechanical Compression of Percutaneous Implants

Stogov M.V., Emanov A.A., Goodovykh N.V., Ovchinnikov E.N., Tushina N.V., Kuznetsov V.P.


Background. Infection of percutaneous implants in patients with limb amputation is the most common complication.

This study aimed to evaluate the microbiological contamination of the implantation zone depending on the implant mechanical compression under the conditions of the additional external fixation.

Methods. The study was performed on 36 male rabbits. The tibia of all the rabbits was sawn at the border of the upper and middle parts. The medullary canal was reamed and a percutaneous implant was placed in the tibial stump. The segment and the implant were fixed with an Ilizarov apparatus. An additional compression device was installed in 30 animals. We used 5 compression modes, accordingly, 6 experimental groups were formed, 6 animals in each: group 1 — without compression, group 2 — compression on the implant with force of 0.053 N/mm2, group 3 — compression on the implant with force of 0.105 N/mm2, group 4 — compression on the implant with force of 0.158 N/mm2, group 5 — compression on the implant with force of 0.211 N/mm2, group 6 — compression on the implant with force of 0.263 N/mm2. The restraint was removed 6 weeks after implantation for a total follow-up of 26 weeks. The microflora of the place where the implant enters the skin (the implant / skin interface) was investigated, the level of blood leukocytes and the level of C-reactive protein in blood serum were determined.

Results. On days 9-10 after implantation, significant differences in the microbial landscape were found at the site of the exit of the metal implant in animals of different groups. The largest number of strains was found in animals of groups 1, 5 and 6, the smallest in groups 2 and 3. The most frequently detected strains: S. saprophyticus and Enterococcus spp. It was found that the greatest statistically significant increase in the level of CRP in the blood serum was observed in animals of group 6. The level of leukocytes in animals of all groups did not change statistically significantly relative to preoperative values. Animals with better osseointegration (groups 2 and 3 — no cases of implant loss) showed a minimal number of growing strains.

Conclusions. The microbiological profile of the implantation zone of percutaneous implants changes depending on the amount of mechanical compression. The optimal mode is 0.053-0.105 N/mm2.

Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2022;28(2):38-47
pages 38-47 views

Different Models of Dual-Energy Bone DXA Scanners: A Comparative Study

Petraikin A.V., Akhmad E.S., Semenov D.S., Artyukova Z.R., Kudryavtsev N.D., Petriaikin F.A., Nizovtsova L.A.


Background. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is an effective method for bone mineral density (BMD) and subcutaneous fat percentage estimation. The constant development of new densitometry techniques, the demographic change and the higher potential of artificial intelligence in healthcare enhance requirements for the high-quality measurements in DXA.

This study aimed to develop a quality control method for DXA scanners and compare four DXA systems with different X-ray geometries and manufacturers when simulating fat-water environments.

Methods. We evaluated the accuracy (relative error (ε%) and precision (CV%)) of the bone mineral density (BMD) measurements, performed by the four DXA scanners: 2 with narrow-angle fan beam (64- and 16-channel detectors (DXA-1, DXA-2)); 1 with wide-angle fan beam (DXA-3); 1 with pencil beam (DXA-4). We used a PHK (PHantom Kalium) designed to imitate spine. The PHK contained four vertebras filled with a K2HPO4 solution in various concentrations (50-200 mg/ml). The PHK also included paraffin patches (thickness 40 mm) to simulate the fat layer.

Results. DXA-1 and DXA-2 demonstrated the best CV% ranged from 0.56% to 1.05%. The least ε% was observed when scanning PHK with fat layer on DXA-1 and DXA-2 (1.74% and 0.85%) and DXA-4 (1.47%). DXA-3 produced significantly lower BMD (ε = -14.56%, p = 0.000). After removing the fat layer, we observed reduction (p = 0.000) of BMD for DXA- 1 and DXA-2 (ε = -5.11% and -6.12% respectively) and weak deviation (p = 0.80) for DXA-4 (0.87%). For DXA-3, removal of the fat layer also resulted in a significant reduction in BMD (ε = -16.44%, p = 0.000). The subcutaneous fat modeling showed that all these DXA systems automatically determine the percentage of fat in the scanned area with weak underestimation: for DXA-1, DXA-2 and DXA-4 the ε% were -5,9%, -6,3% and -2,3% respectively. CV% were 0.15%; 0.39%; 1.6%, respectively.

Conclusions. We proved a significant underestimation of the BMD measurements across the entire range of simulated parameters for the DXA scanners when the model did not include the subcutaneous fat layer. All models demonstrated high accuracy in measuring the fat layer, with the exception of the DXA-3 model, which was not assessed in these studies.

Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2022;28(2):48-57
pages 48-57 views


Strategies of Osteosynthesis: Problems and Perspectives

Belen'kiy I.G., Manukovskii V.A., Tulupov A.N., Demko A.E., Kandyba D.V., Sergeev G.D., Maiorov B.A., Barsukova I.M., Adzhimuradov B.O.


Background. Urgent osteosynthesis requires number of organizational, material, technical and staff resources.

Aim of the study — to determine advantages and disadvantages of existing strategies for osteosynthesis basing on literature data and comparative analysis of organization of osteosynthesis on the first day after injury and at a later time.

Methods. Data were collected through review of medical records from first half of 2021 calendar year and consist of the patients have been treated by different types of osteosynthesis on the first day after admission to the hospital and later. Average length of hospital stay (LOS) for surgical procedures and duration of the operative time were compared.

Results. In total 266 osteosynthesis of the extremities immediately after admission to the hospital were performed in the first half of 2021 in 260 patients. The most frequently performed ankle fractures fixation (20.7%) and clavicle fractures surgical repairment (13.9%). Cases of early infections complications and no revision surgeries required due to unstable fixation after urgent osteosynthesis were excluded. In the same period 659 delayed osteosynthesis were performed. Mean value of inpatient day in patients, who underwent urgent surgery, was 8.40±16.67 days, while patients, who underwent delayed surgery, spent significantly greater (p<0.05) amount of time in the hospital — 12.98±6.28 days in average.

Discussion. Three strategies of osteosynthesis exist: urgent surgeries, delayed surgeries in daytime in operating rooms for planned surgeries and combination of these approaches. Urgent osteosynthesis surgeries do not lead to infectious complications or unstable fixation, what makes them viable option while choosing treatment tactics in case of some injuries. Precise determination of patient groups according to fracture pattern and its localization, that can be operated on in urgent manner, is necessary. Moreover, introduction of urgent osteosynthesis requires serious organizational measures. It is also necessary to perform economical assessment of described approach. Only after solving these questions, it will be possible to make final conclusions about optimal strategy for performing osteosynthesis.

Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2022;28(2):79-90
pages 79-90 views

Fracture fixation strategy: experience and recommendations

Dubrov V.E.


The commentary critically analyzes the strategy proposed by the authors of the article for performing osteosynthesis and describes the system of care for patients with fractures in Moscow. Operating rooms are divided into planned and emergency. And they, in turn, are divided into conventional and hybrid, in which it is simultaneously possible to perform endoscopic, endovascular, and open surgery. Surgeries are performed in order of priority. Highest priority: extra-focal fixation of limb bones and/or pelvis with ex-fix devices; surgery on extremities with impaired blood supply in the distal parts; decompressive fasciotomies with simultaneous external fixation of fragments in ex-fix devices with suspected formation of compartment syndrome; surgeries performed in patients with severe combined or multiple trauma. High priority: open fractures of type 3A and 3B according to the Gustillo classification, requiring primary surgical treatment of wounds and external fixation; closed unstable fractures.

Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2022;28(2):91-94
pages 91-94 views

Is early fixation of the fracture promising?

Khominets V.V.


The commentary discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the model proposed by the authors of the article for performing osteosynthesis for urgent indications within 24 hours after the patient’s admission to the hospital, and also focuses on the need for comprehensive assessment of treatment outcomes and financial costs of the healthcare system. The determination of indications for emergency osteosynthesis and the identification of patients groups depending on the pattern and localization of the fracture are also important issues in justifying the shortening of the time before surgery. It is necessary to justify the priority localization of fractures for urgent fixation based on the analysis of the authors’ own experience and literature data. Changes in the system of emergency trauma care will require a revision of the standards of staffing and financing in the system of compulsory medical insurance. Therefore, the commentary emphasizes the expediency of a preliminary assessment of the new model effectiveness in some medical institutions by comparing it with the traditional system.

Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2022;28(2):95-96
pages 95-96 views

Case Reports

Reccurence of Heterotopic Ossification as the Result of Total Hip Endoprosthesis Dislocation: A Case Report

Efimov G.A., Cherkasov M.A., Goncharov M.Y., Efimov N.N.


Background. Heterotopic ossification (HO) is the formation of mature bone in soft tissues. HO in the hip area can be a consequence of both injury to the nervous system and local trauma. After total hip arthroplasty HO develops in 30% of cases.

The aim of the study is to demonstrate a rare clinical case of a recurrence of HO in patient after a primary total hip arthroplasty, accompanied by ankylosing.

Case presentation. A 32-year-old patient was admitted to the clinic for revision hip arthroplasty with a diagnosis «long-standing dislocation of the right hip joint endoprosthesis head, heterotopic ossification» 3 years after dislocation. During the surgery, there were difficulties with the sciatic nerve dissection, as well as the structures of the endoprosthesis. We removed all the ossifications that obstructed the dislocation of the endoprosthesis. The patient had sciatic nerve neuropathy on the right lower limb with lesions of the fibular and tibial nerves on the background of edema. The patient was discharged on the 21st day. The presented clinical case is interesting because the patient’s relapse could be caused by a combination of various risk factors. Taking into account the fact that the injury was received as a result of an accident and the patient had a fracture of the bones of the contralateral shin, it could be the effect of a local hip injury that aggravated the process.

Conclusions. This clinical observation highlights the importance of preventing possible complications after surgery and maintaining feedback with patients, especially those belonging to the high-risk group. It is likely that with adequate prevention of the HO formation and timely reduction of dislocation, the problems described in the article after primary total hip arthroplasty could have been avoided.

Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2022;28(2):97-104
pages 97-104 views

Successful Prosthetics for Traumatic Femoral Vascular Injury: А Case Report

Chernyadyev S.A., Leshchinskaya A.Y., Bochegov V.S.


Background. Injury to the main vessels is often accompanied by life-threatening bleeding, permanent disability or death. In the modern literature, only isolated cases of reconstructive surgery for major vein injury are described, their long-term results are insufficiently studied, there is little information about the introduction of telemedicine technologies into the practice of emergency angiosurgical care.

The aim of the study is to demonstrate the immediate and long-term results of the joint work of trauma surgeons and angiosurgeons in helping a patient with injury to the main femoral vessels.

Case presentation. The results of treatment of the patient with the diagnosis: laceration of the upper third of the right thigh with rupture of the common femoral vein and superficial femoral artery and the development of threatening ischemia of the right lower limb; severe blood loss; hemorrhagic shock IV; severity of injury: VPH SP 33; MESS 7. Treatment of the patient took place in several stages. At the first of them, hemostasis was performed, the hemorrhagic shock was resolved. Further, the patient was consulted by an angiosurgeon through telecommunication technologies, after which it was decided to include an angiosurgeon in the surgical team. The prosthetics of femoral vessels was performed: the main venous and arterial blood flow was restored in the affected limb. The patient was discharged in a satisfactory condition with no signs of thrombosis.

Conclusions. Compliance with consistent actions in helping a patient with a vascular injury prevents the development of a «deadly triad» and a fatal outcome. The use of telemedicine consultations provides the angiosurgeon with the opportunity to remotely assess the clinical picture, the severity of the injury, discuss the sequence and volume of necessary medical care at the place of primary hospitalization. Performing reconstructive surgeries using various types of grafts allows you to restore the main blood flow through damaged vessels with good immediate and long-term results.

Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2022;28(2):105-113
pages 105-113 views


Skin Closure After Subtotal Aponeurectomy in Severe Dupuytren’s Contracture: Review

Idrisov K.K., Rodomanova L.A.


One of the significant problems of surgical treatment of Dupuytren’s contracture is skin deficiency after subtotal aponeurectomy. There are many options for skin grafting after subtotal aponeurectomy. However, there is no consensus on surgical approach to an altered palmar aponeurosis and on the choice of method for replacing soft tissue defects, taking into account the severity of the disease and the number of rays involved in the pathological process. The aim of the study was a comparative analysis of skin plasty methods after subtotal aponeurectomy in patients with Dupuytren’s contracture stages III-IV. The review analyzes various treatment tactics, including preliminary distraction elimination of contracture in the external fixation devices followed by aponeurectomy, as well as various methods of skin plasty methods formed after excision of altered areas of palmar aponeurosis and elimination of contracture. In the early stages of the disease, Z- and V-Y plasty are sufficient. In patients with severe degree of the disease, more complex techniques have to be used due to large skin defects that cannot be covered with local tissues. Each of the proposed methods of surgical treatment has its advantages and disadvantages. An analysis of the literature has shown that the most common method of soft tissue plasty after aponeurectomy is Z-plasty. However, as the severity of the disease increases, its effectiveness decreases. To date, there is no consensus regarding surgical approach to an altered palmar aponeurosis and the choice of technique for soft tissue plasty in the Dupuytren’s contracture stages III–IV.

Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2022;28(2):114-123
pages 114-123 views



Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2022;28(2):124-125
pages 124-125 views


Pathomorphological Changes in Vater-Pacinian Corpuscles in Palmar Fascial Fibromatosis Depending on the Dupuytren’s Contracture Degree

Shchudlo N.A., Varsegova T.N., Stupina T.A.


Background. World literature data indicate the involvement of Vater-Pacinian corpuscles in the pathogenesis of palmar fascial fibromatosis, but the information about their pathomorphological changes and histomorphometric characteristics is contradictory.

Purpose — a comparative analysis of qualitative and quantitative changes in Vater-Pacinian corpuscles in patients with Dupuytren’s contracture of varying degrees.

Methods. The analysis of case histories and material resected during operations from 100 patients with Dupuytren’s contracture, was made. The patients were divided into two groups: group 1 — those with degree I-II contracture (n = 31), group 2 — those with degree III-IV (n = 69). Histomorphometry of 122 Vater-Pacinian corpuscles, in which the cut plane passed through the central nucleus, was performed in paraffin and semi-thin sections of the patients’ surgical material.

Results. At the time of the disease onset, the difference in age medians in the groups was not statistically significant. The age median at the time of surgery (group 1 — 56.0 years; group 2 — 61.0 years, p = 0.001) and the median of the disease duration (group 1 — 5.0 years; group 2 — 9.0 years, р = 0.006) were higher in group 2, the variability in the disease duration was comparable. As it has been established, Vater-Pacinian corpuscles undergo successive reactive-destructive changes in the form of death of the central axon, stratification of the capsule, inflammation, fibrosis, deformation and destruction. The number of corpuscles is greater (р = 0.040) in group 1 — 1 (0; 3) than in group 2 — 0 (0; 6). In group 2, the corpuscles have larger diameters (group 1 — 0.85 mm; group 2 — 0.96 mm, p = 0.072), more layers of the outer capsule (group 1 –17; group 2 — 20, p = 0.032).

Conclusions. In patients with Dupuytren’s contracture, along with compensatory and adaptive changes in Vater-Pacinian corpuscles (hyperplasia and hypertrophy), their irreversible destructive changes develop, which, when the disease progresses to grade 3-4, lead to a loss in the number of bodies.

Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2022;28(2):58-66
pages 58-66 views

Radiometric Parameters of the Forearm in Traumatic Instability of the Distal Radioulnar Joint in Children

Semenov S.Y., Proshchenko Y.N., Baindurashvili A.G., Braylov S.A., Semenova E.S., Trufanov G.E.


Background. At present, the literature describes in sufficient detail the use of various methods of X-ray examination of the bones of the forearm in the diagnosis of distal radioulnar joint instability (DRUJI), but there are no data on radiometric parameters for DRUJI of traumatic origin in children. Quantitative diagnostics becomes mandatory for determining the tactics of treating DRUJI of traumatic origin in children.

The purpose of study — to analyze the radiometric parameters of the distal forearm in case of DRUJI of traumatic origin in children to plan the method of surgical treatment.

Мethods. The paper presents an analysis of the results of X-ray examination of 23 children with instability of the distal radioulnar joint of traumatic origin aged 9 to 17 years (mean age — 14.21±2.5 years) — the main group. For comparison, radiographs of the contralateral forearms of the same patients were analyzed — the comparison group (23 children), and radiographs of the forearm of 69 pediatric patients without signs of DRUJI (control group). On radiographs in the anteroposterior and lateral projections, the following radiometric parameters were evaluated: radioulnar and volar angles, radioulnar index, radioulnar distance, and the difference between the radioulnar distances of both forearms.

Results. In 19 patients of the main group, a «positive variant» of the radioulnar index with dislocation of the head of the ulna was revealed, while the indicators of the radioulnar and volar angle were characterized by variability in values. The average values of radiometric parameters of DRUJI in children without bone-traumatic changes of the forearm are comparable to normal values in adults.

Conclusions. In children with DRUJI of traumatic origin, various changes were revealed radiometric indicators of the distal parts of the bones of the forearm, which depend on the type of forearm fracture. In a particular pediatric patient with DRUJI of traumatic origin, these indicators reflect the biomechanical features of the wrist joint, which must be taken into account when planning surgical intervention and predicting the recovery of the anatomy and function of the forearm.

Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2022;28(2):67-78
pages 67-78 views


Retraction notice: “Modern method of biomechanical estimation of the rational lower extremities prosthetic sockets production”. Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2007;(3):36-43.

Gusev M.G., Malykhin A.S., Shcherbina K.K.


The article “Modern method of biomechanical estimation of the rational lower extremities prosthetic sockets production” published in “Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia” (2007, N 3) by M.G. Gusev, A.S. Malykhin, K.K. Shcherbina is a duplicate of the article “Modern method of biomechanical estimation of the rational lower extremities prosthetic sockets production” published in the “Bulletin of Mechnikov Saint Petersburg State Medical Academy”. 2007;(3):186–189. That was the reason for retraction.

Revealed April 20, 2022 by the Editorial Board.

Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2022;28(2):126-126
pages 126-126 views

Retraction Notice: “Assessment Results of Surgical Treatment of Sciatic Nerve Injuries”. Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2009;(1):96-98

Khamzaev R.I., Bersnev V.P., Boroda Y.I.


The article “Assessment results of surgical treatment of sciatic nerve injuries” published in “Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia” (2009, No 1) by R.A. Khamzaev, V.P. Bersnev, Y.I. Boroda is a duplicate of the article “Results of the epineural suture of the sciatic nerve” by the same authors published in the “Grekov’s Bulletin of Surgery”. 2009;(1):61-63. That was the reason for retraction.

Revealed April 20, 2022 by the Editorial Board.

Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2022;28(2):126-126
pages 126-126 views

Retraction Notice: “Immunologic Criteria of Prediction of Bone Delayed Union”. Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2009;(2):59-66

Berdyugina O.V., Berdyugin K.A.


The article “Immunologic criteria of prediction of bone delayed union” published in “Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia” (2009, N 2) by O.V. Berdyugina, K.A. Berdyugin is a duplicate of the article “Immunological monitoring of slow down ostheogenesis” published in “Medical Immunology”. 2009;(3-4):371-378. That was the reason for retraction.

Revealed April 20, 2022 by the Editorial Board.

Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2022;28(2):127-127
pages 127-127 views

Retraction Notice: “Haglund Syndrome: Historical and Systematic Review”. Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2014;(1):122-132

Sereda A.P., Kavalersky G.M.


The article “Haglund syndrome: Historical and systematic review” published in “Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia” (2014, No 1) by A.P. Sereda, G.M Kavalersky, is a duplicate of the article “Haglund syndrome: Historical and systematic review” published by the same authors in “The Sechenov Medical Journal”. 2014;(1):30-39. That was the reason for retraction.

Revealed April 20, 2022 by the Editorial Board.

Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2022;28(2):127-127
pages 127-127 views

Retraction Notice: “Patellar Resurfacing of Total Knee Arthroplasty: Analytical Review”. Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2014;(3):128-141. DOI: 10.21823/2311-2905-2014-0-3-128-141

Kavalersky G.M., Sereda A.P., Lychagin A.V., Smetanin S.M.


The article “Patellar resurfacing of total knee arthroplasty: Analytical review” published in “Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia” (2014, N 3) by G.M. Kavalersky, A.P. Sereda, A.V. Lychagin, S.M. Smetanin is a duplicate of the article “Patellar resurfacing of total knee arthroplasty” by A.P. Sereda, A.S. Sagradyan, A.V. Lychagin published in “The Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics”. 2014;(3):18–28. That was the reason for retraction.

Revealed April 20, 2022 by the Editorial Board.

Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2022;28(2):128-128
pages 128-128 views

Retraction Notice: “Knee Joint Gait Function in Patients with ACL Rupture Before and After the Surgery”. Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2016;22(2):15-24. DOI: 10.21823/2311-2905-2016-0-2-15-24

Akhpashev A.A., Zagorodniy N.V., Kanaev A.S., Kaurkin S.N., Skvortsov D.V.


The article “Knee joint gait function in patients with ACL rupture before and after the surgery” published in “Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia” (2016, Vol. 22, N 1) by A.A. Akhpashev, N.V. Zagorodniy, A.S. Kanaev, S.N. Kaurkin, D.V. Skvortsov is a duplicate of the article by A.A. Akhpashev, N.V. Zagorodniy, S.N. Kaurkin, D.V. Skvortsov “Knee joint gait function in patients with ACL rupture before and after the surgery” published in “Clinical Practice”. 2009;(3-4):30-38. That was the reason for retraction.

Revealed April 20, 2022 by the Editorial Board.

Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2022;28(2):128-128
pages 128-128 views