Vol 26, No 3 (2020)
- Year: 2020
- Published: 29.09.2020
- Articles: 21
- URL: https://journal.rniito.org/jour/issue/view/47
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.21823/2311-2905-2020-26-3
Full Issue

Clinical studies
Revision Hip Arthroplasty with Initially High Position of the Acetabular Component: What’s Special?

Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty with Latissimus Dorsi Transfer for Humerus Fractures Sequelae

Lateral Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty in Structure of Modern Knee Replacement: Is It «Woe From Wit» or a Viable Go-To Method?

Comparison of the Accuracy and Safety of Pedicle Screw Placement in Thoracic Spine Between 3D Printed Navigation Templates and Free Hand Technique

Assessment of the Patellofemoral Joint Condition and the Possibility of Its Functional Improvement after the Closed Fractures of the Patella

The Interzonal Distribution of the Load on the Plantar Surface of the Foot During Walking in the Patients with Cerebral Palsy as an Objective Criterion of Functional Impairment Severity
Relevance. The main direction of rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy is the preservation and enhancement of the existing level of support and locomotion, as well as compensation of its impairment through various methods of rehabilitation. For an adequate prescription and reliable assessment of these measures effectiveness, it is necessary to use objective indicators of functional impairment characteristic of cerebral palsy. The purpose of this study was to substantiate objective biomechanical indicators of functional impairment in children with cerebral palsy based on the analysis of the interzonal distribution of the load on the foot during walking, taking into account the level of global motor functions impairment. Materials and Methods. 47 children with cerebral palsy at the GMFCS levels of impairment 1 to 3 were examined. The control group consisted of 14 children without anatomical and functional signs of support and locomotion system impairment. Biomechanical examination was performed on the complex «DiaSled-M-Scan» with matrix plantar pressure meters in the form of insoles. The statistical analysis of the data was carried out by nonparametric methods using the SPSS for Widows software. Results. The analysis of the anatomical and functional impairment of 94 feet of the children with cerebral palsy and 28 feet of the control group revealed differences in the interzonal distribution of the load under the feet in six variables (p from <0.001 to 0.003). The most typical were: an increase in the toe-to-heel load ratio (on average by 80%), an increase in the load on the arch (by 49%), and a decrease in the medio-lateral load ratio on the toe (by 37%). For GMFCS 1 patients, a significant indicator of impairment was an increase in the partial load on the arch, for GMFCS 2 and 3 patients — a decrease in the load on the heel and an increase it under the toe. This leads to an increase in the toe-to-heel load ratio. Conclusion. It is advisable to use the revealed indicators of roll-over-the-foot impairment in the functional diagnosis of the condition and in assessing the effectiveness of rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy.

The Medium-Term Results of Complex Treatment of the Children with I-II Stage Dysplastic Osteoarthritis

Comparative Analysis of Knee Joint Fusion with Long Locking Nail and Ilizarov Apparatus in Patients with Deep Infection after Arthroplasty
Relevance. Deep infection after knee arthroplasty requires radical surgical treatment of the infection site, removal of endoprosthesis components, and an antimicrobial spacer placement. If revision knee arthroplasty is impossible, the «gold standard» for this kind of patients is knee joint arthrodesis. The purpose of the study was the comparative analysis of knee joint fusion by external and internal fixation. Materials and Methods. The analysis of 60 cases of knee arthrodesis was carried out. The patients were divided into two groups with 30 patients in each. In the first group, knee arthrodesis was performed with long locking nail, in the second group — with external ring fixation. We compared the groups by intraoperative and drainage blood loss, the inpatient treatment duration, the terms of fusion and complications registered. The patients quality of life was evaluated using the SF-36 questionnaire before surgery, for the periods of 3, 6, and 12 months after the surgery. Results. The comparison of two methods of knee arthrodesis showed that blood loss in the internal fixation compared with external one, was 2.03 times more, the duration of inpatient treatment was 1.4 times less, and the total number of complications was 4.4 times less. However, the complications that affected the treatment outcome in long nail group were 1.5 times more. The differences in the average time of ankylosis formation were not statistically significant (p<0.05). The functional results of the treatment in 3 months after surgery in the group with internal fixation were much better. In 6 months after surgery the quality of life had no significant differences. In 12 months follow-up the indices in both groups were the same. Conclusion. The results of our study suggests us to think, knee joint arthrodesis by long fusion nail should be prefereble. If the nail insertion is technically impossible, and there is the high risk of deep infection recurrence, the external osteosynthesis should be used.

Complex Revision Arthroplasty Planning with Telemedicine Expert Advice

Theoretical and experimental studies
Bone Tissue Properties after Lanthanum Zirconate Ceramics Implantation: Experimental Study
Background. The ceramic based on lanthanum zirconate is characterized by optimal mechanical characteristics, low corrosion potential and the absence of cytotoxicity. Thus, the possibility of its use as bone substituting material is currently studied. The purpose of the study was to determine the mechanical, morphological and x-ray spectral characteristics of bone tissue after implantation of ceramic material based on lanthanum zirconate. Materials and methods. The experiment was conducted on 27 female guinea pigs of a single line, divided into 3 groups of 9 animals each. In the main group (LZ), lanthanum zirconate rods were implanted. In the comparison group (b-TCP), fixation was performed with b-tricalcium phosphate rods. In the native control group (NC) no surgical procedures were performed. A fracture was created in distal metadiaphysis area of femur using open osteoclasia. Animals were hatched 4, 10, and 25 weeks after the start of the experiment. Bone tissue features were studied in the perifocal region. The following methods were used: uniaxial compression, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive x-ray microanalysis (EDxMA). The statistical analysis was performed using the Mann-Whitney test. Results. The architectonics of the newly formed bone in the LZ group appeared as a developed lacunar tubular network. The structural components of the extracellular matrix were oriented along the bone functional load vectors. The Ca/P ratio in the periimplant region of the bone in the LZ group was significantly higher than in the b-TCP and NC groups. This may indicate a high strength of the newly formed bone. Mechanical testing showed that the strength and performance of the system of “lanthanum zirconate – bone” under uniaxial compression exceeded the similar indicators in the b-TCP group. Conclusion. The synthesized new material based on lanthanum zirconate seems promising for use in traumatology and orthopedics. Although, additional studies are needed to optimize these implants integration into bone tissue.

Case Reports
Сlinical and Radiological Characteristics of Two Patients with Acromesomelic Dysplasia Maroteaux Type with New Mutation in the NRP2 Gene

Unstable Osteosynthesis of a Humeral Diaphyseal Fracture as a Cause of a Pseudoarthrosis and an Extensive Bone Defect (A Case Report)

Surgical Treatment of Patient with Advanced Kienböck’s Disease: A Case Report


The Effectiveness of Various Surgical Techniques in the Treatment of Local Knee Cartilage Lesions (Review)

Femoroacetabular Impingement: A Natural History
