Vol 26, No 4 (2020)
- Year: 2020
- Published: 16.12.2020
- Articles: 19
- URL: https://journal.rniito.org/jour/issue/view/48
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.21823/2311-2905-2020-26-4
Full Issue

Clinical studies
Diagnosis of Late Periprosthetic Joint Infection. Which Diagnostic Algorithm to Choose?

Periprosthetic Joint Infection after Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty With and Without Sinus Tract: Treatment Outcomes

Alternative Techniques of Ligament Reconstruction in Patients with Combined Cruciate and Postero-lateral Corner Injuries of the Knee

Extirpation of the Thoracic and Lumbar Hemivertebrae from the Dorsal Access Using the Ultrasonic Bone Scalpel in Children: The Result of a Prospective Multicenter Study

Compare of Anterior Approaches in Acetabular Fractures Treated by the Standard Ilioinguinal Versus the Stoppa/Iliac Approaches

Surgical Treatment of Humerus Fracture-Dislocations: Medium-Term Results

Theoretical and experimental studies
Gender Differences of the ACL Insertion Sites

Morphological Changes in the Tibial Nerve During the Treatment of Large Tibia Defects Using Ilizarov Apparatus Combining with the Masquelet Technique: Experimental Study

Case Reports
Translocation of Clostridial Infection as a Complication of Hip Arthroplasty in the Early Postoperative Period: Case Report

Metallic Mercury in the Soft Tissues of the Hand: Case Report

Trauma and orthopedic care
The Algorithm for Territorial Distribution of Public Emergency Rooms in Megapolis (by the Example of Moscow)
Background. The lack of a system for evaluating the feasibility of new trauma and orthopedic departments in outpatient clinics under construction creating is one of the main reasons for the imbalance in their territorial location. Therefore, one of the most urgent modern tasks in the megalopolis healthcare organization — is to develop a system for effective regulation of the trauma and orthopedic outpatient departments network construction. The purpose of the study is to improve the effectiveness of outpatient trauma and orthopedic care for megalopolis residents. Materials and Methods. In the research process, theoretical (formalization, synthesis, deduction) and empirical (observation, comparison, modeling, measurement) methods were used. A total of 67 emergency trauma outpatient departments in Moscow were sampled and data on their attendance for April 2019 were collected. Results. Creation of a mathematical model of the network of outpatient primary trauma care and a basic algorithm for estimating the average time from the moment a patient received injuries to the time of primary care in one of the emergency outpatient trauma units of the medical organizations of the capital, which can be used by the executive bodies of the healthcare organization cities in solving administrative and economic problems. Conclusion. The developed specialized mathematical algorithm for assessing the existing effectiveness of the already existing emergency outpatient trauma units network and the distribution of new units allows you to create an “ideal” model for the location of these deparments in a megapolis. In the future, this model can be developed taking into account the development of the transport network, the financing of emergency rooms, etc.

Arthroscopy for Knee Osteoarthritis in the XXI Century: a Systematic Review of Current High Quality Researches and Guidelines of Professional Societies

Management of Chronic Pain Syndrome in Knee Osteoarthritis with Selective Embolization of Popliteal Artery Branches: Review

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Identification of Rotator Cuff Pathology: Inter-rater Realibilty

Microscopic Examination of Foot Joints Components in Charcot Arthropathy Complicated by Osteomyelitis


