No 4 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Published: 15.12.2009
- Articles: 25
- URL:
- DOI:
Clinical studies
comparative analysis of long-term results of cemented stems cpt and libinus classic plus use in primary total hip arthroplasty
Comparative analysis of the results of cemented stems use of two different designs - calcarless polished tapered stem (CPT) and anatomical mat stem with calcar Lubinus Classic Plus was performed. From April 1997 to December 2004 106 CPT (Zimmer) stems implanted to 96 patients and 72 stems Lubinus Clаssic Plus (W.Link) to 64 patients. The mean follow-up period for CPT stems in 70 patients (81 hips) was from 5 to 12 years (8,0±2,2) and for Lubinus Clаssic Plus stems in 44 patients (48 hips) was 6-12 years 99,8±1,4). Multifactoral study proved the high clinical efficiency of both stems use. But the detailed study of the radiological and clinical characteristics allowed to reveal the structural features of devices, typical changes of cement mantle and variants of bone stock adaptive reaction.
Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2009;(4):5-14

Studies on the atypical variants of carpal instability
The author presented a brief review on issue of carpal instability, its classifications, development mechanism and role of external and internal radiocarpal and wrist ligaments in provision of wrist stability. Two atypical variants of carpal instability are described; the results of magnetic resonance tomography in 50 patients with radiocarpal trauma are analyzed.
Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2009;(4):15-20

Investigation of the Ortho-SUV frame optimal assembly for working out motions in the knee joint
122 series of graphic modeling, 3 series of mechanic modeling and 6 series of tibia and femur osteosynthesis rigidity testing by Ortho-SUV Frame in comparison with Volkov - Oganesyan device were performed. It was revealed that for Ortho-SUV assembly used for working out the motions in the knee joint with amplitude 120/0/0 and more application of ellipse supports is advisable. The proximal support must be placed at the distance 200-210 mm from the knee joint space, distal support must be placed at the distance 120 mm . The angulation of proximal support to the bone must be 90º, of distal - 60º. The rigidity of investigated assembly of Ortho-SUV Frame exceed the rigidity of tibia and femur fixation by Volkov - Oganesyan device in 1,5 times.
Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2009;(4):21-26

The developed diagnostic algorithm at pathological vertebral fractures is presented. 32 women in the age of from 46 up to 81 years with pathological vertebral fractures participated in this study. During observation at four patients vertebral metastatic tumors were revealed, hemangiomas - in three cases and solitary myelomas - in two patients. At the others 23 patients fractures were considered as osteoporotic. The use of the presented diagnostic algorithm at pathological vertebral fractures allows to reduce the number of diagnostic errors, opportunely to diagnose and to select the method of treatment. The important stage of observation of patients with pathological vertebral fractures is percutaneous biopsy allowing to verify process in most cases.
Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2009;(4):27-30

Diagnostika i khirurgicheskoe lechenie oskol'chatykh chressustavnykh perelomov pyatochnoy kosti
The analysis of surgical treatment of 122 patients with transarticular fractures of calcaneal bone is presentrd. Open reposition and fixation with a plate was performed in 78 patients, extrafocal osteosynthesis - in 44. Favourable outcomes were received in the group of patients who had undergone an open surgery.
Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2009;(4):31-36

Surgical treatment of the fifth metatarsal deformity
The results of surgical treatment in 22 patients with tailor's bunion allow to normalize the anatomo-biomechanical interrelation in forefoot and to achieve aesthetic correction. The choice of osteotomy type was based on roentgenological signs characterizing the deformity. Such differentiated approach has allowed to achieve positive results in 95% of supervision.
Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2009;(4):37-40

50 children aged from 7 to 13 years with recurrent club foot and operated in the age from one to three years old in different regions of the country by methods of Ulzibat, McKay and Zatsepin were evaluated. After surgical treatment of the recurrent club foot by methods of Ulzibat and McKay, significant changes in soft tissues and osteoarticular structures made it necessary a reconstruction of the foot with the use of Ilizarov device for final correction of the deformity. The method by Zatsepin for surgical treatment of club foot in children was found to be the most favorable for preservation of soft tissues and anatomical position of foot bones. If the club foot re-occurred in children aged from 7 to 13 years, the operation of choice should be a ligamentous and muscular plasty with a full release of all joints in hindfoot, midfoot and forefoot and with the use of Ilizarov device for final correction of the deformity.
Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2009;(4):41-47

Surgical treatment of severe knee deformities in adolescents
The most significant indices defining knee joint deformity are revealed. Classification of knee deformities according to a severity measure is offered. Depending on a severity measure the surgical approach is determined. The appropriateness of reconstruction of articular plateau position for severe deformities is demonstrated.
Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2009;(4):48-52

Theoretical and experimental studies
Experimental substantiation of vibroacoustic influence at treatment of long bones fractures
The optimization of vibroacoustic apparatus "Vitafon" on the processes of regeneration in fractures zone of the tubular bones in the early postoperative period, were confirmed in a experimental study on animals. Experimentally found the best way to influence Microvibration. This technique has been tested in the clinic, positive results.
Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2009;(4):53-59

Substantiation of femoral and tibial metaphyses tunneling in gonarthrosis
Changes of intramedullary tissue fluid pressure in the shaft cavity of tibia have been studied in experiment after hypertension modeling and tunneling. There have been compared this changes pain index in the knee joint after femoral and tibial metaphyses tunneling. It has been revealed that tunneling leads to reduction of hypertension in bone methaphyses and to pain decrease in the knee joint.
Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2009;(4):60-64

Opportunities of ultrasonic diagnostics at a pathology foot and ankle
Ultrasonography is a useful tool for imaging, which can be used for the assessment of joints and periarticular structures. In patients with pain and/or swelling of the foot and ankle, ultrasonography provides information about the presence of joint effusion, synovitis, tendinopathy and tendons tears. Ultrasonic diagnostics of various damages both pathological conditions of the foot and ankle should become daily and widely used method, allowing to optimize diagnostics and medical tactics.
Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2009;(4):65-72

Experience exchange
Reconstructive surgery of internal stable and functional osteosynthesis' failures and non-infection complications
The analysis of treatment of 76 patients at the age from 19 to 74 years after revision osteosynthesis was performed. In 68,5% of patients the necessity of revision surgery was determined by failures during previous operations. The results of revision surgeries were studies in 89,5% of the cases in 1-3 years. In 46 (67,7%) patients the anatomical axis and the length of injured segment were restored completely. The analysis of errors during the primary osteosynthesis allowed to divide it into three groups: organizational, diagnostic, treatment-and-tactic. The most of errors (69%) were made during internal osteosynthesis, 31% - during intramedullary osteosynthesis.
Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2009;(4):73-79

Surgical treatment of patients with spinal metastasis of melanoma
The authors observed 8 patients in age from 44 to 65 with spinal metastasis of melanoma. Spondylectomy were performed in 3 patients, corporectomy in a cervical and spondylectomy in thoracic spine - in 1, decompression laminectomy and circular decompression - in 5 cases. The restoration of support ability of spine and reduction a painful syndrome were obtained in 7 (87,5%) patients, restoration of support ability of spine and moderate reduction of a painful syndrome in 1 (12,5%). The regression of neurologic disorders were observed in 6 patients. The continued growth of a tumor were in all patients during from 2,5 to 9 months. Long of life of our patients were from 3,5 to 11 months.
Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2009;(4):80-83

surgical approach to acetabular fractures
The results of operative treatment of acetabular fractures with application of various methods of osteosynthesis in 239 patients have been studied. Internal fixation in 217 patients and external fixation in 22 cases have been applied. The method of choice of osteosynthesis was determined by type of injury, time after trauma and concomitant pathology. The remote overcomes were estimated in 206 patients. The management of patients with acetabular fractures is based on the principles of treatment of intraarticular injuries with the differentiated approach to each technique.
Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2009;(4):84-87

The investigation of content of blood serum of «POL-antioxidant» system values (DK, AOA), the cytokines (IL-1β, TNFα, IL-4) and the proteins of antiprotease system - α2-macroglobuline was made in 97 patients with occluded fractures of the long tubular bones. The estimation method of infectious process in early postoperative period was worked up on the basis of obtained data. It allows to predict purulent inflammatory complications at the stage of preclinical manifestations.
Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2009;(4):88-90

Retrospective analysis of treatment results in 132 patients with calcaneal fractures was performed. The main reason of injuries was the fall from a height that l entailed serious consequences: fractures of other bone and visceral traumas. The principal method of treatment at solitary fractures was skeletal traction, external osteosynthesis was applied in 55 (58,5%) patients. The reasons of disability (10,6%) were analyzed.
Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2009;(4):91-93

Surgical treatment of child with rare burn deformity of forearm and hand
The long-term results of treatment of a child with burn deformity of forearm and hand are presented. The results of the study show that the correct immobilization of affected segment and early functional rehabilitation are necessary for contracture prophylaxis. The absence of dynamic observation results in secondary deformations as the change of bone shape and its hypoplasia. These factors result in the extension and number of surgical operations, impairment of long-term prognosis.
Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2009;(4):94-96

hip joint endoprosthesis KazNIITO
The analysis of results of treatment of 24 patients with a pathology of hip joint by endoprosthesis of KazSRITO are presented. Intrasurgical monitoring of intraosteal pressure was measured. During implantation of a femoral component, the significant decrease of intramedullary pressure on the average is noted. At all patients of a wound have begun to live primarily, complications were not observed.
Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2009;(4):97-99

Osteosynthesis characteristics in patients with tibia distal metaepiphysis fractures
In 93 patients with anticnemion bones distal segment intra-articular, juxta-articular and bifocal fractures shape memory tightening clamps were used in order to transfragmentary compression and bone fragments fixation. In 16 patients with bifocal fractures tibia diaphysis osteosynthesis was performed using intramedullary nail and bone plates. Affected member external fixation after external osteosynthesis in 47 cases was performed using plaster splint. In 46 patients with anticnemion bones longitudinal splintage was performed using perosseous devices. In patients aftercare process chondroprotective agents were used. Patients with anticnemion bones distal segment injuries multimodality therapy good results were reached in 87,5% of cases.
Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2009;(4):100-104

Case Reports

Modern technologies in traumatology and orthopedics
The author describes the method of osteoplasty by cylindrical autografts in cases of delayed union and non-union of femur neck, which was used in 23 cases. This method allows to prevent posttraumatic aseptic necrosis of femur neck and hip joint arthrosis.
Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2009;(4):109-112

Current state of treatment of patient with fractures of proximal femur (review)
This article is devoted to actual problem of modern orthopedic - treatment of patients with extraarticular fractures of hip with osteoporosis. Short analysis of literature was performed, problem questions of this pathology treatment were found. One of scientific investigations with aim to improve the results of such trauma treatment was determined.
Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2009;(4):113-118

Problems of diagnostics of spinal instability in children (review)
The questions of diagnostics of spinal instability in children at various kinds of pathology and at consequences of a trauma are discussed. Clinical and functional diagnostics of spinal instability has its own features, and so tactics of surgical treatment and its results depends on accuracy of pathology recognition and prediction of its progressing.
Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2009;(4):119-122

Pozdnikin Yury I.
Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2009;(4):123-123

Miroshnichenko Valentin Ph.
Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2009;(4):124-124