Surgical treatment of patients with spinal metastasis of melanoma
- Authors: Usikov VD1, Ptashnikov DA1, Magomedov S.S.1
- Issue: No 4 (2009)
- Pages: 80-83
- Section: Experience exchange
- Submitted: 19.07.2022
- Published: 15.12.2009
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 1879
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The authors observed 8 patients in age from 44 to 65 with spinal metastasis of melanoma. Spondylectomy were performed in 3 patients, corporectomy in a cervical and spondylectomy in thoracic spine - in 1, decompression laminectomy and circular decompression - in 5 cases. The restoration of support ability of spine and reduction a painful syndrome were obtained in 7 (87,5%) patients, restoration of support ability of spine and moderate reduction of a painful syndrome in 1 (12,5%). The regression of neurologic disorders were observed in 6 patients. The continued growth of a tumor were in all patients during from 2,5 to 9 months. Long of life of our patients were from 3,5 to 11 months.
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