Reconstructive surgery of internal stable and functional osteosynthesis' failures and non-infection complications
- Authors: Shapovalov VM1, Khominets VV1, Mikhaylov SV1, Shakun DA1, Turakulov FI1
- Issue: No 4 (2009)
- Pages: 73-79
- Section: Experience exchange
- Submitted: 19.07.2022
- Published: 15.12.2009
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 1876
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The analysis of treatment of 76 patients at the age from 19 to 74 years after revision osteosynthesis was performed. In 68,5% of patients the necessity of revision surgery was determined by failures during previous operations. The results of revision surgeries were studies in 89,5% of the cases in 1-3 years. In 46 (67,7%) patients the anatomical axis and the length of injured segment were restored completely. The analysis of errors during the primary osteosynthesis allowed to divide it into three groups: organizational, diagnostic, treatment-and-tactic. The most of errors (69%) were made during internal osteosynthesis, 31% - during intramedullary osteosynthesis.
About the authors
V M Shapovalov
V V Khominets
S V Mikhaylov
D A Shakun
F I Turakulov
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