Treatment of clubfoot in young children with arthrogryposis by Ponseti method: possibilities and perspectives





Background. Clubfoot is the most common deformity in arthrogryposis and is characterized by a high degree of rigidity and a tendency to relapse. At present, no consensus exists on the issue of treatment of this pathology. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the possibilities of Ponseti method for the treatment of clubfoot in the younger children with arthrogryposis. Material and methods. The study was based on an analysis of treatment outcomes in 64 children (124 feet) under 3 years. 50 patients (78%) had a congenital multiple arthrogryposis, 14 children (22%) had a distal form of the disease. All the children underwent conservative treatment using Ponseti method. Results. After phased plastering by Ponseti method, the children with congenital multiple arthrogryposis aged under 1 year demonstrated correction of deformity components in 25 (48%) feet and the children from 1 to 3 years in 4 (8.7%) feet. Phased plastering in the children under 1 year with the distal form of the disease resulted in the correction in all 7 (100%) feet. In the patients with a similar form of the disease aged from 1 to 3 years, correction was achieved in 3 (23%) feet. In the cases of incomplete correction of deformity elements, when the possibilities of phased plastering were exhausted, different surgical interventions were performed. However, in neither case the surgery to remove talus was required. Conclusion. Ponseti method is most effective for the treatment of clubfoot in the children of the first year. Application of this method allows for elimination of clubfoot or significant reduction of the volume of subsequent surgery.


D. Derevyanko

Turner Scientific and Research Institute for Children’s Orthopedics


O. Agranovich

Turner Scientific and Research Institute for Children’s Orthopedics


D. Buklaev

Turner Scientific and Research Institute for Children’s Orthopedics


E. Petrova

Turner Scientific and Research Institute for Children’s Orthopedics


S. Trofimova

Turner Scientific and Research Institute for Children’s Orthopedics



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