Physical Methods of Rehabilitation for Patients with Osteoarthritis: A Scientometric Analysis of Evidence-Based Studies
- Authors: Abuseva G.R.1, Кovlen D.V.1,2, Ponomarenko G.N.1,2, Khozyainova S.S.1, Adhamov B.M.1, Ivashchev V.V.1, Ishchuk V.N.1, Karpova T.N.1, Kondrina E.F.1, Konoplyankin I.V.1, Podberezkina L.A.1, Pronin V.D.1, Tolmachev S.V.1
- Kirov Military Medical Academy
- Federal Scientific Center for the Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities named after G.A. Albrecht
- Issue: Vol 26, No 1 (2020)
- Pages: 190-200
- Section: Reviews
- Submitted: 31.03.2020
- Accepted: 31.03.2020
- Published: 31.03.2020
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 1425
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About the authors
G. R. Abuseva
Kirov Military Medical Academy
Author for correspondence.
Gulnara R. Abuseva — Senior Lecturer, Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
St. Petersburg
РоссияD. V. Кovlen
Kirov Military Medical Academy; Federal Scientific Center for the Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities named after G.A. Albrecht
Denis V. Kovlen — Dr. Sci. (Med.), Рrofessor, Head of Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
St. Petersburg
РоссияG. N. Ponomarenko
Kirov Military Medical Academy; Federal Scientific Center for the Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities named after G.A. Albrecht
Gennady N. Ponomarenko — Dr. Sci. (Med.), Рrofessor of Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Military Medical Academy; General Director of Federal Scientific Center of the Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities named after G.A. Albrecht
St. Petersburg
РоссияS. S. Khozyainova
Kirov Military Medical Academy
Stella S. Khoziainova — Lecturer, Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
St. Petersburg
РоссияB. M. Adhamov
Kirov Military Medical Academy
Bahtiyar M. Adhamov — Cand. Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor, Department of Public Health and Military Health Economics
St. Petersburg
РоссияV. V. Ivashchev
Kirov Military Medical Academy
Vladislav V. Ivashchev — Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
St. Petersburg
РоссияV. N. Ishchuk
Kirov Military Medical Academy
Vladimir N. Ischuk — Cand. Sci. (Med.), Assistant Professor, Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
St. Petersburg
РоссияT. N. Karpova
Kirov Military Medical Academy
Tamara N. Karpova — Cand. Sci. (Med.), Lecturer, Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
St. Petersburg
РоссияE. F. Kondrina
Kirov Military Medical Academy
Elena F. Kondrina — Cand. Sci. (Med.), Assistant Professor, Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
St. Petersburg
РоссияI. V. Konoplyankin
Kirov Military Medical Academy
Ivan V. Konoplyankin — Lecturer, Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
St. Petersburg
РоссияL. A. Podberezkina
Kirov Military Medical Academy
Liudmila A. Podberezkina — Cand. Sci. (Med.), Assistant Professor, Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
St. Petersburg
РоссияV. D. Pronin
Kirov Military Medical Academy
Dmitrii V. Pronin — Adjunct
St. Petersburg
РоссияS. V. Tolmachev
Kirov Military Medical Academy
Sergei V. Tolmachev — Lecturer, Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
St. Petersburg
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