



The paper presents  a clinical case of a staged surgical treatment according  to damage control  protocol  for a patient with multiple limb fractures, sternum  trauma as well as brain injury due to traffic accident. Following temporary external fixation during emergency treatment, 6 internal fixation procedures were performed on the patient during three surgical sessions. 4,5 months  postoperatively the authors  observed  consolidation of all fractures  with good restoration of joints function. Prophylaxis of venous thromboembolic events included low molecular heparins administration prior to the first and consequent surgical  sessions as well as oral anticoagulants during  intervals between  procedures and for extended prophylaxis. Apart from medicinal prophylaxis  the authors  utilized therapeutic exercises at all treatment stages.


I. Belenky

Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University; Aleksandrov Hospital


Igor G. Belenky  – Dr.  Sci.  (Med.),   Associate  Professor of Department of Traumatology and  Orthopedics of Pavlov First  SPSMU; the  head of Trauma Department N 1.

6-8, ul. L’va Tolstogo, St. Petersburg, 197022; 4, Prospect Solidarnosti, St. Petersburg, 193312


G. Sergeev

Aleksandrov Hospital


Gennadii   D.  Sergeev  –  Orthopedic Surgeon,   Trauma Department N 1.

4, Prospect Solidarnosti, St. Petersburg, 193312



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