Arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in adolescents. What to choose for anesthesia?





The purpose - to optimize the quality of perioperative management of adolescents with damage of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee. Material and methods: Perioperative methods of anesthesia in 71 patients were estimated. Psycho-emotional status was evaluated on the basis of determining the level of reactive anxiety (Spielberg Hanin scale) and intraoperative anesthesia (unilateral spinal anesthesia or combined) has been chosen. Results: According to the results of lactate and glucose levels in the blood the efficacy of unilateral spinal anesthesia during surgery was demonstrated. Visual analog scale revealed the advantage of extended continuous iliofascial block over an isolated femoral nerve blockade for adequate analgesia for postoperative period. The advantages of the performing continuous iliofascial block under ultrasound were demonstrated.


M. Ivanov

Turner Scientific and Research Institute for Children 's Orthopedics


D. Zabolotskiy

Turner Scientific and Research Institute for Children 's Orthopedics; Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University


A. Kulev

Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University


G. Ulrikh

Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University


K. Velichko



A. Kozyrev

Turner Scientific and Research Institute for Children 's Orthopedics



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