



The analysis of the frequency, structure and circumstances of the sacrum fractures in 148 patients, as well as evaluated the results of treatment 65 patients using conventional techniques and 83 with multiphase surgical tactic. The use during the first stage of external fixation devices, Ganz pelvic frame and active surgical treatment due to a quick stop the intrapelvic bleeding led to a decrease of the frequency of mortality by 2.6 times. The use of highly informative diagnostic methods and multi-stage surgical treatment in patients with concomitant pelvic injuries have reduced mortality by 1.4 times, the number of physical complications - by 1.6 times, local complications - by 2.4 times, the length of hospital stay - by 1.6 times, the frequency of permanent disablement - up to 28.9%, to restore the ability to work with 76.7% of patients within the first year.


I. Samokhvalov

Military Medical Academy, St. - Petersburg

Email: igor-samokhvalov@mail.ru

I. Kazhanov

Military Medical Academy, St. - Petersburg

Email: carta400@rambler.ru

M. Tyurin

Military Medical Academy, St. - Petersburg

Email: mixail_turin@mail.ru

V. Ganin

Military Medical Academy, St. - Petersburg

Email: noemail@neicon.ru

A. Denisov

Military Medical Academy, St. - Petersburg

Email: denav80@mail.ru


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