- Authors: Saakyan S.1, Zakroyeva A.G.2, Galstyan R.3, Khanamiryan T.3, Aroyan A.4, Mamikonyan N.4, Babalyan V.5, Lebedev A.K.6, Gladkova E.N.2,7, Lesnya O.M.2,6
- Artashat Medical Center
- Ural State Medical University
- Scientific center for traumatology and orthopaedics under the Health Ministry of Republic of Armenia
- Erebouni Medical Center
- Diavant LLC
- Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University
- Verkhnyaya Pyshma Central City Hospital named after P.D. Borodin
- Issue: Vol 23, No 1 (2017)
- Pages: 153-162
- Section: Trauma and orthopedic care
- Submitted: 11.04.2017
- Accepted: 11.04.2017
- Published: 11.04.2017
- URL: https://journal.rniito.org/jour/article/view/699
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.21823/2311-2905-2017-23-1-153-162
- ID: 699
Cite item
Full Text
Until present no data was available inArmeniain respect of incidence of low energy fractures that are typical of osteoporotic locations which consequently did not allow to evaluate the scope of this problem across the country.
Purpose of the study – to identify the incidence of low energy fractures in proximal femur, in distal forearm, in proximal humerus and in distal tibia across population ofArmenia aged 50 years and older.
Materials and methods. An observing population study was performed in two regions of Armenia during 2011-2013 where the frequency of selected locations in cases of moderate trauma was identified. During 2011-2012 the information was collected based on traumatology service records adding in 2013 other sources including primary level of healthcare due to observed infrequent applications for medical help in cases of trauma. Results. In 2013 the incidence of proximal femur fractures in men was reported as 136 cases per 100 000 of population aged 50 years and older, in women – 201 cases per 100 000. At the same time only 57.7% of patients with proximal femur fractures were admitted to hospital. Distal forearm fractures incidence in men and women was observed correspondingly 56/100 000 and 176/100 000 cases, proximal humerus fractures – 39/100 000 and 86/100 000 cases and distal tibia fractures – 39/100 000 and 86/100 000 cases. The predicted annual number of proximal femur fracture in Armenia amounts to 2067 cases, distal forearm fractures – 1205, proximal humerus fractures – 640.
Conclusion. Epidemiological data that was collected for the first time on low energy fractures incidence confirmed the acute osteoporosis issue inArmenia and revealed the problems in organization of medical care for the group of senior patients with injuries.
About the authors
S. Saakyan
Artashat Medical Center
Email: fake@neicon.ru
Sarkis Sahakyan – Head, Department of Traumatology and Orthopedic
7, Aram Khachaturian street, Artashat, 0701
АрменияA. G. Zakroyeva
Ural State Medical University
Email: fake@neicon.ru
Закроева Алла Геннадьевна – доктор медицинских наук, доцент, заведующая кафедрой профилактической и семейной медицины
ул. Репина, д. 3, г. Екатеринбург, 620028
РоссияR. Galstyan
Scientific center for traumatology and orthopaedics under the Health Ministry of Republic of Armenia
Email: fake@neicon.ru
Ruben Galstyan – Cand. Sci. (Med.), Deputy Director
9, Nork-Marash street, Yerevan, 0047
АрменияT. Khanamiryan
Scientific center for traumatology and orthopaedics under the Health Ministry of Republic of Armenia
Email: fake@neicon.ru
Tatevik Khanamiryan – Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor Deputy Director for Science
9, Nork-Marash street, Yerevan, 0047
АрменияA. Aroyan
Erebouni Medical Center
Email: fake@neicon.ru
Armine Haroyan – Cand. Sci. (Med.), Head, Department of Rheumatology
14, Titohradyan street, Yerevan, 0087
АрменияN. Mamikonyan
Erebouni Medical Center
Email: fake@neicon.ru
Narine Mamikonyan – General Manager
14, Titohradyan street, Yerevan, 0087
АрменияV. Babalyan
Diavant LLC
Email: fake@neicon.ru
Varta Babalyan – Manager
7, Argishtii street, Yerevan, 0015
АрменияA. K. Lebedev
Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University
Email: fake@neicon.ru
Anatoliy k. Lebedev – Cand. Sci. (Med.), Lecturer, Family Medicine Department
41, Kirochnaya ul., St. Petersburg
РоссияE. N. Gladkova
Ural State Medical University;Verkhnyaya Pyshma Central City Hospital named after P.D. Borodin
Email: fake@neicon.ru
Elena N. Gladkova – Cand. Sci. (Med.), Head of Administration and Guidance Department
32, ul. Chaykovskogo, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, 624090
РоссияO. M. Lesnya
Ural State Medical University;Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University
Author for correspondence.
Email: olga.m.lesnyak@yandex.ru
Olga M. Lesnyak – Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor, Family Medicine Department, Mechnikov North West State Medical University; Professor, Department of Preventive and Family Medicine, Ural State Medical University
3, ul. Repina, Yekaterinburg, 620028
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