- Authors: Avrunin A.S.1, Parshin L.K.2, Melnikov B.E.2
- Vreden Russian Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics
- Saint-Petersburg State Politechnical University
- Issue: Vol 19, No 1 (2013)
- Pages: 127-137
- Section: Reviews
- Submitted: 01.11.2016
- Published: 30.03.2013
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 322
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Aim: Basing on own and literature date to characterize biological necessity of modification the ability of bone structures to be deformed and carrying capacity of lacunar-channel system to provide the basis for interaction between this pathways and parameters of calcium homeostasis. Results: There are two ways of bone matrix remodeling. The first group of pathways is responsible for slow adaptation of bone structures ability to be deformed within physiological range during weeks, months, years. The second group ensures rapid response of carrying capacity of lacunar-channel system (minutes and ours). This two mechanisms function in conjunction with hierarchically organized calcium metabolism. The first level of the latter is direct two-phase exchange of ionized calcium between extracellular liquid of bone tissue and blood: a) paracellular arrival of ionized calcium from blood into the bone; b) transcellular arrival of ionized calcium from extracellular liquid of bone into blood. The second hierarchical level is remodeling of perilacunar matrix by osteocytes. The third hierarchical level is bone remodeling with collaboration both osteoclasts and osteoblasts.
About the authors
A. S. Avrunin
Vreden Russian Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics
Author for correspondence.
L. K. Parshin
Saint-Petersburg State Politechnical University
B. E. Melnikov
Saint-Petersburg State Politechnical University
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