- Authors: Yevsyeyenko V.G.1, Zazirniy I.M.1
- Clinical hospital “Feofania”
- Issue: Vol 18, No 4 (2012)
- Pages: 144-152
- Section: Discussions
- Submitted: 01.11.2016
- Published: 30.12.2012
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 299
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There is no agreement among experts on the classification of injury of o the long head tendon of biceps brachii in the area of its attachment to the shoulder blade. Some authors take the Snyder’s classification as basis; others describe it as a separate injury. The authors presented the review of existing classifications of the labrum shoulder injury (so-called SLAP lesions) and traumas of the tendon of the long head biceps.
About the authors
V. G. Yevsyeyenko
Clinical hospital “Feofania”
Author for correspondence.
I. M. Zazirniy
Clinical hospital “Feofania”
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