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The author presents the results of surgical treatment of 58 patients with transcondylar fractures in age from 3 to 18 years who were divided into two groups depending on the type of surgical approach. In the control group (26 patients) traditional posterior approach with dissection or intersection of the triceps was used, but in the main group (32 patients) - a modified low-traumatic posterior approach. The follow-up period was 3,4 ± 0,5 years. The results showed that the use of a modified posterior approach promotes to achieve a good functional result: range of motion in the joint - 140 °, while in the control group using the traditional posterior approach - only 120 °. A modified posterior approach is indicated for the treatment of children with extension transcondylar fractures, not accompanied by injury of blood vessels of the neurovascular bundle after a single unsuccessful reduction.

About the authors

Y. N. Proshchenko

The Turner Scientific and Research Institute for Children 's Orthopedics, St. - Petersburg

Author for correspondence.


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