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Objective: to search for new diagnostic approaches for estimating the prevalence of posthemorrhagic phase of inflammation in the joints of patients with hemophilia accompanied recurrent hemarthrosis. Using the method of computerized infrared thermography measured the temperature above the knee, ankle and lower leg. Analysis of the data held with a specially developed algorithm that forms the basis of a computer program for computer (2009). It is established that with increasing temperature over the joint at high risk of recurrence monthly hemarthrosis. If the joint hemarthrosis was not, then an increase in temperature may indicate a latent flowing inflammation. Assessing the prevalence of inflammation in the joints of patients with hemophilia has prognostic value: widespread inflammation is characterized by continuous recurrent course, for a limited - monthly recurrent hemarthrosis, in the absence of inflammation in the joint, as evidenced by normal or low-grade fever, recurrent hemarthrosis are likely rare.

About the authors

I. L. Davydkin

Samara State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: dagi2006@rambler.ru

Y. A. Kosyakova

Samara State Medical University

Email: Kossyyy1@yandex.ru

Y. V. Lartsev

Samara State Medical University

Email: lartcev@mail.ru

A. V. Kapishnikov

Samara State Medical University

Email: a.kapishnikov@gmail.com


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