



Diagnostics and treatment of wrist joint pathologies still remain one the key problems in hand traumatology and orthopaedics. Extremal sports availability as well as new options for recreation transportation means only sustains the statistics of such injuries. On the other hand, the technological improvements allowed to develop precise optics for surgeries on small joints. Possibilities of minimally invasive closer visualization at magnification substantially changed not only the approach to treatment of wrist joint pathology but also allowed to describe types of lesions unknown earlier. The authors describe basic principles of wrist joint arthroscopy and features of its application in various injuries: scaphoid fractures, intraarticular fractures of distal radius metaepiphysis, triangular fibrocartilage complex injuries.


I. Golubev

Priorov National Medical Research Center of Traumatology and Orthopaedics


Dr. Sci. (Med.), professor, Chief of Department of Microsurgery and Hand trauma

10, ul. Priorova, 127299, Moscow


M. Sautin

European Clinic of Sports Traumatology and Orthopaedics (ECSTO)


Cand. Sci. (Med.), Senior doctor of Hand Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery Department

7, Orlovskii per., 129110, Moscow


G. Balyura

Priorov National Medical Research Center of Traumatology and Orthopaedics


Graduate Student

10, ul. Priorova, 127299, Moscow



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