



Objective - to evaluate the effectiveness of the first phase of a two-stage method of surgical treatment of periprosthetic infection and to identify possible factors influencing the outcomes. Material and methods. The analysis of results of treatment of 217 patients with infection operated in 2008-2012. The mean age was 56.1 years (95% CI 48.3 to 67.4). All patients underwent surgery with removal of hip endoprosthesis and installation block or articulating spacers at different times after the primary (77%) or revision (23%) arthroplasty. Results. Relapse of infection was detected in 78 cases (35.9%). In 139 (64.1%) patients remission of infection was observed, which allowed an average of 10.2 weeks (95% CI 7.87 to 14.3) perform a full-fledged replacement for a spacer prosthesis. Relapse of infection was detected in 78 (35.9%) cases. Conclusion. The main risk factors leading to a recurrence of the infection are the combination and type of microorganism, laboratory parameters, weight of the patient and the type of previous surgery.


B. Lyu

Vreden Russian Research Institute for Traumotology and Orthopedics

Email: info@rniito.ru

R. Tikhilov

Vreden Russian Research Institute for Traumotology and Orthopedics; Mechnikov Northwestern State Medical University

Email: info@rniito.ru

I. Shubnyakov

Vreden Russian Research Institute for Traumotology and Orthopedics

Email: info@rniito.ru

V. Razorenov

Vreden Russian Research Institute for Traumotology and Orthopedics

Email: info@rniito.ru

A. Denisov

Vreden Russian Research Institute for Traumotology and Orthopedics

Email: med-03@yandex.ru

S. Bozhkova

Vreden Russian Research Institute for Traumotology and Orthopedics

Email: clinpharm-rniito@yandex.ru

V. Artyukh

Vreden Russian Research Institute for Traumotology and Orthopedics

Email: artyukhva@mail.ru

O. Klitsenko

Mechnikov Northwestern State Medical University

Email: olkl@yandex.ru

Z. Totoev

Vreden Russian Research Institute for Traumotology and Orthopedics

Email: zaurbek.totoev@ya.ru


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