



Purpose: to assess early and long-term results of the pediatric hand reconstructions with posterior interosseous flap, including those in children younger than 3 years old. Materials and methods: results of the hand reconstructions with posterior interosseous artery reverse flap were studied in 10 children (4 males and 6 females) aged from 1 year and 1 month to 13 years old. In 4 cases flap coverage were performed due to acquired posttraumatic hand deformity, in 6 cases reconstruction was assumed for congenital hand deformities. Combined procedures consisted of posterior interosseous artery flap coverage and other types of microsurgical reconstructions were suggested in 4 patients. Preoperative color doppler visualization of the posterior interosseous vessels were mandatory. All flaps were risen under 3.5x-4.5x magnification. Results: all flaps survived completely in 3 weeks postoperatively. There were no postoperative complications such as flap’s arterial or venous insufficiency, deep infection, or posterior interosseous nerve palsy. Nearly whole group (9 of 10) of patients and/or their parents were satisfied with the esthetic view of the reconstructed hand and donor site of the forearm 1 year postoperatively. Conclusion: posterior interosseous flap is a reliable and versatile option in pediatric hand reconstructions, providing excellent skin coverage with good color match and texture. Preservation of major vascular bundles of the forearm (radial and ulnar arteries) during flap harvest gives a possibility to perform a simultaneous microsurgical reconstructions of the hand (e.g. free toe transfer).


I. Golubev

Priorov Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics


V. Grishin

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia



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