Determination of optimal assemblies of software-based Ortho-SUV frame for correction of complex midfoot and hindfoot deformities
- 作者: Solomin L.N.1,2, Ukhanov K.A.1, Mashkov V.M.1, Glusman M.I.2
- Vreden Russian Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics
- Saint-Petersburg State University
- 期: 卷 20, 编号 1 (2014)
- 页面: 72-79
- 栏目: Theoretical and experimental studies
- ##submission.dateSubmitted##: 12.09.2016
- ##submission.datePublished##: 12.06.2014
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 46
Aim: to find the optimal configuration of passive computer-assisted ORTO-SUV device for the correction of complicated midfoot and hindfoot deformities. Material and methods: The study was carried out using plastic “shin-foot”complexes, on which different versions of Orto-SUV device layout: five versions for midfoot deformities and three versions for hindfoot deformities. A model providing maximum amplitude of the movement was considered optimal. Results: Optimal layout for midfoot provides dorsiflexion of 41,1±1,7°; plantar flexion - 32,1±1,4°; supination - 53,3±1,8°; pronation - 35±1,6°; abduction - 44,2±2,1°; adduction - 43,2±1,7°. Optimal layout for the correction of hindfoot deformities provides rotation in sagittal plane upwards - 96,5±2,4°;rotation in sagittal plane downwards - 36,2±1,4°;“varusation” (angulationmedially in the frontal plane) - 31±1,3°; “valgusation” (in the frontal plane outwards) - 44,5±1,9°; movement upwards and backwards, angle of 45° to the horizontal plane - 86,4±1,2 mm; movement downwards and anteriorly, angle of 45° to the horizontal plane - 81,5±1,1 mm.
L. Solomin
Vreden Russian Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics; Saint-Petersburg State University
K. Ukhanov
Vreden Russian Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics
V. Mashkov
Vreden Russian Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics
M. Glusman
Saint-Petersburg State University
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