Influence of the mineral bond between associations of crystallites on bone matrix mechanical properties. modeling by the finite element method





For the first time on the basis of computer modeling using the finite element method the mechanical role of mineral compounds, binding all of the bone minerals in the whole monolith was evaluated. By multivariate computational experiments the authors established the qualitative features and obtained the quantitative assessment of the influence of the bridges on the stiffness and stress-strain state of the representative volume element (RVE). The effective elastic moduli of the nanocomposite bone RVE were estimated by the of finite element homogenization method taking into account the availability of bridges. The presence of the bridge enhances bone stiffness regardless of the direction of acting loads. Consequently, bridge plays an important biological role in increasing the strength properties of the skeleton at nonstandard directions of the load. Data presented in this paper show an extremely complex mechanical phenomena developing in the mineral matrix, which can be adequately assessed only by using a computer modeling based on the morphologically correct structural relationships of its components.


A. Avrunin

Vreden Russian Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics


A. Semenov

St.-Petersburg State Politechnical University


I. Fedorov

St.-Petersburg State Politechnical University


B. Mel’Nikov

All-Russian Research Institute on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR), Research Center of Biomedical Technologies


A. Doctorov

St.-Petersburg State Politechnical University


L. Parshin

St.-Petersburg State Politechnical University



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