Changes in coagulation and lytic activity of the blood and tissues at the pelvic trauma during anticoagulant therapy

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The purpose of our study was exploration of coagulation and lytic activity in blood and tissues during anticoagulation therapy in the early posttraumatic period in patients with pelvic bone fracture. The study was based on experiment researches using methods allowing to estimate coagulation activity in different tissues (skeletal muscles, liver, kidneys, heart, lungs) and blood at pelvic trauma during anticoagulation therapy. It was established that at pelvic trauma using anticoagulation therapy (fraxiparine) leads to hemostatic system modification in the early posttraumatic period. We observed fast decrease of a hypercoagulability in a blood plasma (organism level) and growth fibrinolytic activity. In liver, kidneys, heart and lungs tissues (organ level) we also registered correction the hemostatic disorders. However, the rate of these recovery processes in tissues is lower than in the blood. Especially low it was in skeletal muscles in the area of injury. Thus, it is proved that anticoagulant therapy at a pelvic trauma affects on the extrinsic coagulation pathway less than on the intrinsic coagulation pathway. The established regularity explains the risks of coagulation abnormalities in the early posttraumatic period during anticoagulation treatment.

About the authors

A. P. Vlasov

Ogaryov Mordovian State University

Author for correspondence.

G. A. Shevalayev

Ulyanovsk State University


R. R. Kremcheev

Ogaryov Mordovian State University



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