- Authors: Dokolin S.Y.1, Kuz’mina V.I.1, Marchenko I.V.1, Belykh O.A.1, Naida D.A.2
- Vreden Russian Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics
- FSI “Main Military Clinical Hospital N.N. Burdenko"
- Issue: Vol 23, No 3 (2017)
- Pages: 53-68
- Section: Clinical studies
- Submitted: 04.10.2017
- Published: 04.10.2017
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 773
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Purpose of the study – to identify incidence rate of recurrent rotator cuff (RC) tears, to evaluate outcomes of arthroscopic bone-tendon anchor suture, to determine the factors influencing arthroscopic treatment outcomes.
Materials and methods. Medical history data, pre-operative x-rays and MRI of shoulder joints of 305 patients (main group) who underwent arthroscopic bone-tendon anchor suture repair of large or massive RC tears during 2010-2016 were included in the study. Follow up period ranged from 1 to 6 years postoperatively with mean value of 25,6±4,5 months. Telephone survey of patients was conducted after the surgery as well as a single examination of patients with evaluation by functional scales – UCLA, ASES, CS, VAS, DN4. Preoperative standard x-rays in AP and axial views were done in all patients. Arthropathy severity was evaluated by K.Hamada classification. Comparison of patient specific data, features of RC lesions and surgical treatment was made by Kruskal-Wallis test.
Results. Good outcomes by ASES, CS and UCLA functional scales were obtained in 15 (5%) of patients, satisfactory – in 213 (69.8%), poor – in 77 (25.2%). Postoperative MRI data provided the following sub-distribution of patients: 49 (41.1%) patients with complete repair of RC tendons lesions, 38 (31.9%) patients with partial repair and 33 (27.0%) patients with recurrent tear of reconstructed tendon. Correlation analysis allowed to establish the limits for achieving good outcomes of arthroscopic bone-tendon anchor suturing for significant association with infraspinatus muscle atrophy (not exceeding 40%) and fatty infiltration of supraspinatus muscle (not exceeding 23.5%).
About the authors
S. Yu. Dokolin
Vreden Russian Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics
Sergey Yu. Dokolin — Cand. Sci. (Med.), Senior Researcher
8, ul. Akad. Baykova, St. Petersburg, 195427
РоссияV. I. Kuz’mina
Vreden Russian Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics
Vladislava I. Kuz’mina — Cand. Sci. (Med.), Assistant Researcher
8, ul. Akad. Baykova, St. Petersburg, 195427
РоссияI. V. Marchenko
Vreden Russian Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics
Author for correspondence.
Il’ya V. Marchenko — Graduate Student
8, ul. Akad. Baykova, St. Petersburg, 195427
РоссияO. A. Belykh
Vreden Russian Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics
Ol’ga A. Belykh — Radiologist
8, ul. Akad. Baykova, St. Petersburg, 195427
РоссияD. A. Naida
FSI “Main Military Clinical Hospital N.N. Burdenko"
Daria А. Naida — Orthopedic Surgeon, Branch N 5 Main Military Clinical Hospital N.N. Burdenko
8a. Yakovoapostol’skii per., Moscow, 105064
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