Etiology and pathogenesis of pectus excavatum in children

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Funnel chest is the most common chest deformity characterized by the depression of sternum and rib cartilages. In spite of the centuries-old history of pectus excavatum investigation, plenty of publications on etiology and pathogenesis and many theories on this theme no one of them is generally accepted. This article is to summarize the modern views on the etiology and pathogenesis of funnel chest.

About the authors

I. O. Kulik

Domodedovo Central Town Hospital

Author for correspondence.

V. A. Plyakin

Scientific Research Institute of Urgent Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology


O. O. Sarukhanyan

Scientific Research Institute of Urgent Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology


N. Y. Ignat’Eva

Institute of Laser and Information Technologies RAS


S. A. Poludov

Russian Children Clinical Hospital



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