- Authors: Denisov A.O.1, Shilnikov V.A.1, Barns S.A.2
- ФГБУ «Российский научно-исследовательский институт травматологии и ортопедии им. Р.Р. Вредена» Минздравсоцразвития России
- Университет Темпла, Филадельфия, США
- Issue: Vol 18, No 1 (2012)
- Pages: 121-127
- Section: Reviews
- Submitted: 01.11.2016
- Published: 30.03.2012
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 232
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Lumbosacral spine and hip joints is a complex physiological functions of the co-operation of a large number of anatomical structures. Lesions of the links in the system can mutually afflict each other. Combined pathology of the hip and lumbosacral spine is called hip-spine syndrome, or coxa-vertebral syndrome. Symptoms of the joint and spine are very similar and only a careful examination and clinical examination may find the differences. As the disease progresses the hip increases the restriction of movement, there is a contracture of the limbs in a vicious position, which leads to an increase in tilt of the pelvis, increased lumbar lordosis and to functional shortening of limbs on the affected side. This gives rise to functional impairment, and then strain the joints of his spine and disease - osteochondrosis and scoliosis. After the successful operation of total hip replacement is often progressive clinical lesions of vertebral segment, which is manifested pain and is often offset by the results of arthroplasty as the restoration of movement in the hip joint, and the change in length limb after arthroplasty leads to rupture formed a functional stereotype change in the mobility of the lumbar spine, pelvis regression bias that causes the dynamic compression spinal nerve root. Depending on the duration of the existence, severity and nature of changes in the pelvic girdle is suitable correction of equipment replacement surgery, including, for example, in some cases, deliberate shortening or lengthening the preservation of the lower extremity, offset change, etc.
About the authors
A. O. Denisov
ФГБУ «Российский научно-исследовательский институт травматологии и ортопедии им. Р.Р. Вредена» Минздравсоцразвития России
Author for correspondence.
V. A. Shilnikov
ФГБУ «Российский научно-исследовательский институт травматологии и ортопедии им. Р.Р. Вредена» Минздравсоцразвития России
S. A. Barns
Университет Темпла, Филадельфия, США
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