Anatomical and clinical substantiation of treatment technique of pelvic injuries with its disrupted ring
- Authors: Bagnenko SF1, Kashanskiy YB1, Rzaev RS1, Kucheev IO1
- Issue: No 2 (2009)
- Pages: 46-52
- Section: Clinical studies
- Submitted: 19.07.2022
- Published: 15.06.2009
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 1860
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By analyzing of the anatomy of the cadaveric material without pelvic trauma, topographical determination of the optimal zones for screws insertion into iliac wings and sacro-iliac joints was made.
Using features of the step-by-step method of combined osteosynthesis were defined, by modeling of the way of treatment of unstable damages of the pelvic ring with infringement integrity on the 15 anatomic preparations of injured people, which died during different periods of traumatic disease. The obtained data has been successfully applied in clinical practice to treatment of victims with heavy damages of pelvic. By the analysis of the early and long term (till two years) results of treatment it has been established that in the basic group (32 patients) on comparison with control (85 patients) the number of complications was reduced from 80% to 56%, and the exiting on primary physical inability lowered from 33% to 22%.
Using features of the step-by-step method of combined osteosynthesis were defined, by modeling of the way of treatment of unstable damages of the pelvic ring with infringement integrity on the 15 anatomic preparations of injured people, which died during different periods of traumatic disease. The obtained data has been successfully applied in clinical practice to treatment of victims with heavy damages of pelvic. By the analysis of the early and long term (till two years) results of treatment it has been established that in the basic group (32 patients) on comparison with control (85 patients) the number of complications was reduced from 80% to 56%, and the exiting on primary physical inability lowered from 33% to 22%.
About the authors
S F Bagnenko
Y B Kashanskiy
R S Rzaev
Email: <>
I O Kucheev
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