Medical and social characteristics of in-patients with injuries





An anonymous sociological survey of 408 patients hospitalized due to injuries in R.R.Vreden RNIITO and traumatological departments of St. Petersburg city hospitals was carried out. The social structure of injury victims under hospital care has no fundamentally differences comparing to the social structure of the city population. The most patients were males, aged 20-30 and 40-50 years, St. Petersburg residents, with higher and secondary education. Most of the patients were married, had an average or low income, living in decent housing. Many of the injured have abused alcohol, smoked regularly, some use drugs. Most often injuries leading to hospitalization occur as a result of falls, and criminal attacks and road accidents. According to opinion of the majority of patients, sanitary condition of their departments is good, but the quality and range of food does not satisfy most of the respondents. Many patients are faced with the need to pay for the recommended care. Patients highly appreciate the human and professional qualities of the medical staff. The social efficiency of treatment coefficient was 0.95.


A. Cherniy

Vreden Russian Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics



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