Gemotransfuzionnaya terapiya pri khirurgicheskomlechenii bol'nykh s metastaticheskimi porazheniyamipozvonochnika i s pozvonochno-spinnomozgovoytravmoy
- 作者: Myl'nikov Y.N.1, Usikov VD1, Ptashnikov DA1
- 期: 编号 4 (2008)
- 页面: 90-94
- ##submission.dateSubmitted##: 19.07.2022
- ##submission.datePublished##: 15.12.2008
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 1934
The comparative analysis of 40 case reports of patients with vertebrocerebrospinal trauma and 60 - with the metastatic lesions of spine detected that maximum hemorrhage is observed at the carrying-out of spondyloectomy with the plasty of interbody defect and spondylosynthesis on account of metastatic lesions. At surgical interventions on account of vertebrocerebrospinal trauma the application of preoperational blood autosampling, techniques of intraoperative collection and reinfusion of blood using apparatus Cell Saver, the collection of draining losses and their return by sac Handy Vak allow to lower the extent of hemotransfusion therapy by the preparations of donor blood. The connection between the kind of decompressive-stabilizing spine intervention and hemorrhage volume was detected. It allows to plan the operation, anesthetic and operative risks, measures to provide surgical intervention anesthetically.
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