New methods for elimination of hand post-replantation neurogenetic deformity




A new internal fixator for osteosynthesis of periprithetic femoral fractures after hip replacement is described. This new plate is simple, reliable and AO-ASIF compatible metal implant designed for fractures around or below the stable endoprothetic stem i.e. for В1 and C types according the Vancouver classification by C.P. Duncan and B.A. Marsi. The periprothetic plate allows to fix these types of fracture more rigidly than other internal fixators and thus improve final functional results.


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  3. Матев, И. Реабилитация при повреждениях руки / И. Матеев, С. Банков. - София : Медицина и физкультура, 1981. - С. 183-194.
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