Issledovanie osteokonduktivnykh svoystvgranulirovannogo steklokeramicheskogo materiala«Biosit» v eksperimente




The osteoconductive properties of granulated glass-ceramic material "Biosit-SR-Elkor" were confirmed in experimental study on animals. In fine-granulated "Biosit" (0,1 - 0,3 mm), introduced into the femoral medullary space of rats, bone structures were growing deeply into heterogeneous mass column. The osteointegration of big-granulated "Biosit" (0,1 - 0,3 mm) was limited to the zone of the contact of the material with bone tissue as a result of the late development of inflammatory macrophage giant-cell reaction. Fine-granulated "Biosit" may be used for the filling of bone cavities where the material will be in static state and gradually grow with bone structures. The duration of the processes of osteogenesis and the maturation of growing into the material bone limits its use for the fixation of the components of constructions at endoprosthesis replacement.


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版权所有 © Abolin A., Zaytseva M., Afinogenova A., Netyl'ko G., 2008

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