Internal osteosynthesis in treatment of trochanteric fractures




The authors studied the results of operative treatment of trochanteric fracture with the use of different devices for osteosynthesis at 817 patients. In 553 cases DHS (dynamic femoral screw) were applied, in 159 - DCS (dynamic condylar screw), in 105 - PFN (proximal femoral nail). Long-term results in terms from 1 are to 5 years are studied at 485 (61,4%) patients. The choice of device for osteosynthesis is determined by the type of injury. At stable fractures it is expedient to use the dynamic femoral screw, at unstable fractures the intraosseous fixators are more effective (proximal femoral nail, Gamma-nail). Application of dynamic condylar screw is justified at intertrochanteric fracture at young patients. At the patients of elderly and senile age it is necessary to execute osteosynthesis by the intraosseous fixators.


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版权所有 © Gilfanov S., Klyuchevsky V., Danilyak V., 2009

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