Fixation of posterior pelvic ring in unstable pelvic fractures




41 patients, aged 14-60 years with posterior pelvic ring fractures were treated between 2006-2009. Fractures occurred after motor vehicle accident (33) , fall from height (7), gas explosion (1). 30 patients (73,1%) had sacral fractures, 10 (24,4%) - SI joint rupture, 1 (2,5%) had fracture of iliac bone. According to Denis classification 6 patients had transalar fractures (zone I), 20 patients - transforaminal fractures (zone II), and 4 - a central sacral fracture (zone III). 2 - complete sacroiliac joint dislocations. For stabilization sacroiliac screw fixation were used in 2 cases, sacral bars - in 2, posterior sacroiliac plate fixation had 9 patients, local osteosynthesis of a sacrum with a spinopelvic fixation - 24.
The technique of ileolumbar fixation in a combination with local osteosynthesis of sacrum or with any other way of SI joint fixation is optimal for bringing down of half of pelvis at vertical displacement on zone SI joint or on sacral fracture.


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版权所有 © SI Gilfanov S., VV Danilyak V., YM Vedeneeev Y., MA Emelin M., VV Vrzhesinsky V., 2009

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