Surgical treatment of patients with fractures of intraarticular fractures of distal humerus by combined osteosynthesis




Authors developed based on clinical study the combined method of the treatment of the intraarticular fractures of distal humerus. It was applied to 12 patients aged 18-64 (the mean age - 39,5). The average follow-up after the operation was 26,9 months (from 12 to 36 months). The indications for open reduction and internal fixation with the help of reconstruction or congruent plates were the intraarticular fractures of distal humerus (type C2-C3 by AO group classification). The uniplanar apparatus of external fixation with original ball hinge was used in all of these patients for early passive motion in elbow joint. All patients achieved the elbow stability and the recovery of its physiological range of motions. The average elbow joint range of motions was: extension/flexion - 0°/0°/130°±10°; pronation/supination - 70°±10°/0°/70°±10°. The average score according to the Mayo clinic scale was 95 points (from 85 to 100).


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