Sberegatel'naya taktika pri nepolnykh povrezhdeniyakhperedney krestoobraznoy svyazki kolennogo sustava

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The data about 376 patients with the partial acute (61,4%) and old (38,6%) injuries of knee anterior crucial ligament in which we didn't resort to its reconstruction were analyzed. Two variants of the policy were assessed: the resection of stump or the injured part of the ligament and non-intervention in anterior crucial ligament. Basic factors influencing the choice of the variant of treatment were detected. The analysis of the results of the clinical and biomechanical assessment of the outcomes of treatment with the use of the methods of mathematical statistics testifies that saving policy at the incomplete injuries of anterior crucial ligament gives persistent positive effect.


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Copyright (c) 2008 Kuznetsov I.A., Bezgodkov Y.A., Ryabinin M.V., Rybin A.V.

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